Ryan & Shiv Cole

Serving with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

In Papua New Guinea (PNG)

Ryan & Shiv Cole (MAF) in PNG. February 2025

Ryan is originally from Brownfield.

Presently he is the only pilot based at Teleformin, so he is very busy with medical evacuations, distributing supplies and bibles.

They were in Canada in the fall, including Castor  and went to the UK for Christmas where Shiv’s family lives.

Shiv helps where she can i.e.. sometimes accompanying Ryan on a flight, and a big item on her agenda is providing reusable sanitary kits to Grade 9 girls in a local high school so that they do not have to miss school every month. She is very thankful for donors from Canada and Australia.

See stories and photos from last year here!

They both ask for prayer:

  • For the two new pilot families they are expecting to join them in Teleformin in the second half of 2025
  • For more pilots, teachers, accountants, and other workers to join MAF
  • For good health and wellbeing for both them both them throughout 2025

Ryan & Shiv Cole-PNG with MAF

Ryan and Siobhain Cole in PNG As always we are so grateful for your prayers. They hold us up continually, thank you!

-In early April new measures requiring every domestic passenger to get a covid test within a day prior to their flight

-now have rapid Covid tests in Telefomin, but still can’t fly passengers out of bush communities.

– Some prayer points:

1) For our new Dutch neighbours coming at the end of May. He is a pilot also and they have 3 boys under 8: it is a big transition for them. Ryan is fixing up the house for them.

2) For the PNG government to change laws so MAF can carry passengers out of bush airstrips.

3) For our general health- we don’t want to get a slight cold which would result in us being isolated for two weeks.

Thanks and God bless.