Katie and Wes Peacock

Wycliffe Tanslators with Ghana 

Wes & Katie Peacock live in Red Deer and are attending EMC there.

They are and have trained some people from Ghana to help with the Bible translations to their native tongue.

Presently the Nkonya team in Ghana is facing challenges.

Emmanuel, the lead person, had a stroke in December 2024. His right side is not functioning properly, but thankfully he still can speak and do some walking. His first line worker had a recent cancel diagnosis. This has slowed down things. Prayers are appreciated.

Wes & Katie have worked very diligently in sharing God’s love and His word for many years.

They are able to visit Ghana in person in the spring due to a gift of money.

They will be retiring in December 2025, but will continue as volunteers to help finish the translating project.

Katie and Wes Peacock-Wycliffe translators with Ghana

– Castor EMC partners with them through prayer

– Wes and Katie like to go to Ghana occasionally (one at a time) but have not been able to travel because of COVID restrictions.

– Most of their translating is done online.