Cody & Sonya Simpson

Church planting in Montrea, Quebec. 

Voyage Church 

Cody grew up in Castor and Sonia is from Quebec. 

For the past three months they have been doing most of their own home renovations. 

Both Cody and Sonia have been very busy with the Bible Counselling certification program including papers, exams, and practicums. 

They also love their young boy and little girl, making a lovely family. 

They are asking God in prayer for what adjustments need to be made in their ministry. One change that is needed is their location because they have not been able to rectify problems with their current space at the school. They ask for guidance for a new space. 

Praise God, He has brought new people into the church recently, after losing a family of five in the fall. 

Please pray for three of the new unbeliever attendees (one couple and a young woman) to open their hearts to Jesus. There is also still a need for more support financially. It is also very tight financially for their own family. 

Pray for God to bring someone else in as a missionary to help. 

Voyage Church is very appreciative of our financial and prayer support. Feel free to find them on Facebook, Instagram, and/or YouTube, for more information. 

Simpson Update Voyage Church, Montreal – Cody & Sonya Simpson church plant

– Vision statement: “Drawn by His grace, driven by His love.”

– Castor EMC partners with them through prayer and monthly support.

– Cody sends weekly updates to our church via email which are placed on our mission’s board.

– The Fleet family who were an integral part of the Voyage church are leaving to start a new church plant in Detroit.

– The church has just baptized three young ladies that have dedicated their lives to Christ

– Pray for:

     1) a larger place to worship

     2) development of discipleship groups

     3) musicians and worship leaders

     4) volunteers for children’s ministry, A/V, and hospitality